Monday, January 27, 2020

English Language Essays Learning Styles

English Language Essays Learning Styles Free Essays English Language Essays An examination of learning styles and typologies in a language classroom. plan, teach / act, observe and reflect Sue Davidoff and Owen van den Berg, 1990 The Observation Myobservation was undertaken at the British Council in Kuwait/Gulf Region. The observation class was of mixed nationality ArabicLanguage speakers at Intermediate level. There were twenty students in total,80% males to 20% females. The class comprises of 30% students, 60% working orprofessional people 10% homemakers others. The age range isbetween 20 to 55 years. The class is halfway through a 6 months languagecourse. I observed and was involved in a 90 minute lesson focusing onvocabulary, reading and speaking. At the end the teacher answered my preparedquestionnaire. The followingessay consists of a brief theoretical, analytical and practical examination of learningstyles and typologies in a language classroom and how best to plan for them. Itincludes an analysis of specific elements from the observed lesson put in thecontext of theory and intended future practise. To support thelesson, the teacher used the white board, an overhead projector with onetransparency and three handouts. Whole class work focused on provision ofvocabulary and contextualisation of the material. The material was real andrelevant to contemporary interests and cultures. The teacher used discussionstarters to motivate and encourage student interest and involvement (asAllwright and Bailey advise, 1991) Responses were elicited from the class andsupported through teacher modelling of pronunciation and writing on the whiteboard. Individual work was limited. The teacher had established small groups(three to four students) aimed at balancing ethnic background and gender. Research shows theimportance of understanding and catering for different learning styles andcognitive strategies. When a learning style is not catered for, the studentcan easily become bored and inattentive, do poorly on tests, getdiscouraged about the course, and may conclude that they are not good at thesubjects (Zhenhui, 2001). Various parameters have been constructed fordefining students preferred way of learning, such as Knowles (1982) concrete,analytical, communicative and authority-orientated learning styles (cited inRichards, 1994). Another defines the groups as auditory, visual andkinaesthetic learning styles (Krause et al, 2003, pp154-155) whilstfigure 1 gives a representation of student and teacher inter-reactionsdependent on learning styles. Some researchers such as Richards (1994, pp.59-77)consider an individuals culture as vital to understanding learning styles. Ladson-Billings(1995) advocates a method of Culturally Responsive Teaching which integratescultural points of reference through out the learning process. Others disagree(Kubes, 1998, cited in Krause) and cite more universal forms of learning. This class wasboth interested and engaged in its learning. However, during the interview,the teacher expressed a wish that there was more time for individual tailoring.The teacher acknowledged that this would better cater for the range oflearning styles. More concrete resources (actual materials eg fruit, etc) andincreased use of visual aids (magazines, more transparencies, laminatedpictures) may also help to convey understanding and increase retention. Two tests wereused during the class one was a linking exercise and one a reading exercise.The teacher finished the lesson with each student expressing an opinion on anarticle using the lessons language. Whilst these were not formal tests, theyinvolved assessment strategies. As Nunan points out (1990, p62) assessmentcontributes part of the information for student evaluation. As this infers, thetools for student assessment, be they observational, formative or summative,need to balance with an understanding of the bigger picture. For example, thegoal may be to allow students to understand, practise and develop their own languageand learning strategies (see Hismanoglus exploration of Language LearningStrategies, 2000) be they direct or indirect strategies (Oxford, 1990, p9).Most students require clear and precise scaffolding (Vygotsky, in Krause, 2003,pp60-65) to develop their metacognitive practises for making meaning. Assessmentcan act as a benchmark to the success of the learning pr ocess and show theteacher areas that need to be covered again or in a different way. There is no spacehere to do full justice to the impact of the learning environment upon studentsyet it needs inclusion for a balanced understanding of students learningstyles. Suffice it to say that, as Nunan and Lamb say (1996), the teacherneeds to aim for a safe, positive and progressive environment that encouragesstudent participation, thinking and risk-taking. Much as assessment is an endresult of reflection upon what one wants to define, the learning environmentshould be based upon a thorough understanding of theoretical aspects. Forexample, traditional teaching methods tended towards a unitary approach tointelligence. Contemporary theories, such as Gardners work on multipleintelligences (cited in Krause et al, 2003) allow for the inclusion ofvariable factors that define a students strengths and weaknesses. Many agreewith Wilsons (1998) assertion that Gardners MI theory helps teachers createmorepersonalized and diversified instructional experiences and develops empoweredlearners ( This holisticapproach agrees with an understanding of other influences upon learning, Maslowshierarchy of needs for example (see Figure 2), or Bronfenbrenners (1979)ecological systems theory. These ecological factors encourage moreintegrated forms of assessment and are particularly useful in understandingvarious forms of washback (see Cushing Weigle, 2002) that may result. Othermore structured tests such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indications Survey, (Myers McCaulley, 1985) may also have their place. The teacher usedgender and ethnic background to balance the groups. The groups worked welltogether in a pro-social manner. However, Woods encourages consciousexamination of an educators own attitudes, especially when the may cause subconsciousactions and opinions to form (Woods, 1996). Should the two parameters ofgender and ethnicity become constraints, then they are not valid means of groupconstruction. Sometimes is appeared that not all group members contribute intheir cooperative learning. However, research has shown that even those who donot appear to be so communicative do benefit to a degree from the listening andprocessing that this format provides. It may be that they are better atworking individually and as such should have the opportunity to do so. The teacher usedelements of the 3 Ps approach presentation, practise, production. However,as the lesson transcript shows, the language was expanded in what became moreof a Harmer-style engage study activate method. I would like tolist the implications for my own teaching under the following points: Use a wide range of teaching strategies and styles to ensure comprehension eg support spoken material with writing on the white board, leave the transparency up on the overhead projector, bring in concrete materials, provide visual clues, model your required responses, set short, realistic goals and review and recycle often. (Antonaros, 2005 ), role play, use song. Use methods according to the area you wish to cover, the materials you have prepared and present concisely and precisely. If the area is suited best to direct instruction then use it, if student-centred instruction or co-operative groups then vary accordingly. Motivation and interest are paramount, but sound understanding is the goal. Prepare your materials so that they are interesting, real, relevant, encourage thinking whilst supporting language development. Take an action research approach to (for example Wrights, 1987, 2005) to develop a thorough understanding of my students learning and cognitive styles and my own attitudes. Use active listening to understand, modelling to improve and discussion to encourage communication Use teacher modelling strategies to develop the students autonomous language learning skills as exemplified by Lowes and Target (1998) in Helping Students to Learn. Providing a positive learning environment where mistakes are not derided Assign homework that re-caps and therefore re-enforces the issues covered in the lesson. Ensure equity in communication make sure everyone has a chance to speak. Everyteacher who has taught a group of grown-ups knows that some individuals may bereluctant to speak, especially when they realize or assume that other studentsare more fluent. (Turula,2002) References Allwright, D. Bailey, K. (1991). Focus on the LanguageClassroom. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Antonaros, S. (no date) Looking Inside and Out for the Answer toMotivating Our Learners 7th February 2006 Davidoff, S., Van Den Berg, O. (1990) Changing YourTeaching. The challenge of the classroom. Pietermaritzburg: CentaurPublications Gardner, H. (1983) Frames of Mind. New York: Basic Books, Harmer, J (1998) How to Teach English. Harlow, UK: Longman Hismanoglu, M. (2000) Language Learning Strategies in ForeignLanguage Learning and Teaching, The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. VI, No.8, August 2000 Knowles, L (1982) Teaching and Reading. London, UK: NationalCouncil on Industrial Language Training. Krause, K., Bochner, S., Duchesne, S. (2003) EducationalPsychology for learning and teaching. Southbank, Victoria: Thomson. Kubes, M (1998) Adaptors and innovators in Slovakia: Cognitive styleand social culture. European Journal of Personality, 12(3), pp.187-198 Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). But thats just good teaching! The casefor culturally relevant pedagogy. Theory into Practice, 34(3), 159-165. Lowes, R. Target, F. (1998). Helping Students to Learn.London: Richmond. Malamah-Thomas, A. (987). Classroom Interaction. Oxford, UK:Oxford University Press. Nunan, D., Lamb, C. (1996). TheSelf-Directed Teacher. Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press. Oxford, R. (1990). Language Learning Strategies: What EveryTeacher Should Know. New York, USA: Newbury House Publishers. Richards, J.C., Lockhart, C.L. (1994). Reflective Teachingin Second Language Classrooms. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Richards, J.C. Nunan, D. (eds.). Second Language TeacherEducation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Turula, A (2002) Language Anxiety and Classroom Dynamics: A Study ofAdult Learners. Forum English Teaching Online, US Dept of State, Vol.40 (2). Wilson, L (1998). Whats the big attraction? Why teachers aredrawn to using Multiple Intelligence Theory in their classrooms? 7 February 2006 Woods, D. (1996) Teacher Cognition inLanguage Education. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press Wright, T. (1987). Classroom Management inLanguage Education. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan Wright, T. (1987). Roles of Teachers andLearners. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Zhenhui, R. (2001) Matching Teaching Styles with Learning Stylesin East Asian Contexts, The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. VII, No. 7,July 2001 Matching teaching styles: 3 February 2006. Language Learning Strategies: 3 February 2006 Maslows Heirarchy of Needs, Huitt, 2004, 7 February 2006 Language Teaching 5 February 2006

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Essay --

Ryan Brown Film and Novel 12/10/13 Essay 2 In the novels A Clockwise Orange by Anthony Burgess and Misery by Stephen King, they both express what is portrayed to be socially right and what is socially wrong. In A Clockwise Orange, the novel is taking place in a futuristic London. Alex Delarge is the leader of a gang that they call the â€Å"Droogs†. After a night of drugs and intoxication they engage in violence by fighting a rival gang and stealing a car to travel to the home of a writer F. Alexander where they nearly killed him. After beating Mr. Alexander’s nearly to death he rapes his wife while singing. In Misery, there is a famous novelist named Paul Sheldon who is the author of a successful series of novels that features a character named Misery Chastain. Paul has decided to focus his mind on more serious novels and writes a new manuscript for an unrelated novel. Paul is later caught in a blizzard while driving home to New York City and his car goes off the road. His number one fan Annie Wilkes rescues hi m and she brings him to her house in a remote location where she attempts to take care of him. Both of these well-known novels and their respected films portray what is deemed to be socially right vs. socially wrong. In the film A Clockwise Orange, Alex is an avid drug user and also an avid drinker that causes his to lash out at the littlest things that set him off. He does things that the normal human being would consider to be crazy or socially wrong. After a night of nearly killing Mr. Alexander and raping his wife the following day he is out as if nothing had ever happened and he is warned by his probation officer to keep a low profile. That night he visits a store where he picks up two girls and brings them home with ... ...m. This was the first time it was evident that she was acting socially wrong and was trying to keep him from leaving. For the rest of the book she shows small signs of going back to being socially right but is mostly acting socially wrong because of the way she is treating Paul and keeping him held captive. In the novel A Clockwise Orange and Misery, they both have characters that are seen as what we consider socially right and socially wrong. These two characters show how they are both socially right and socially wrong. The two characters from their respected books start opposite of eachother. In A Clockwise Orange, Ales goes from socially wrong to socially right. While in Misery, Annie starts off as socially right and turns to socially wrong. Both of these novels compare and give examples of what is socially right and socially wrong to our everyday standards.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Jawahar Lal Chaudhry

Sunita Jawahar  Lal Chaudhry&Associates are in practice since 1998.the firm was started by CA Sunita Juneja and her father Mr. Jawahar Lal Chaudhry who is an advocate of income tax department. At first they started their office in their house but now they have their main office in Krishna market, rajpura.CA Sunita Juneja is in practice since 1998.she joined her father Mr. Jawahar Lal Chaudhry who was an advocate and now these both are running the firm fomore than 18 years. As we know that Partners are the founders of the firms and the name are associated to them only they are the main parties who issues or signs any report and all the inquiry is made by them in our firm. In our firm Mrs Sunita Juneja and Mr. Jawaharlal Chaudhary are the two partners who started the firm. The firm represents the combination of specialized skills, which offers sound financial advice and proper services. They have the good customer relation and all the work is been completed by them on time. There is proper management for handling of the work and proper managing because of which no confusion is being created. There is proper infrastructure and various departments for proper handling of the work. Both the partners of the firm have the good experience and as a result there is goodwill of them in the market. All the work carried here is according to the rules and regulations which are passed by the government .They audit various good firms in Rajpura .Some of them are alcon cables, aneja plywood etc. 1.2 About the projectStudy of internal auditing as a tool for companies performance was completely a new project idea which I got through the Chitkara University. As we all know auditing is the most important part of the company as it maintains the system of the internal control to attain the objectives and moreover for the smooth running of the company auditing is necessary.Internal audit is a consultant activity which designs to add some value in the organization. Basically internal auditing is the integral part in the companies. They provide various services to the companies like prevention of the fraud. As we all know that many frauds are taking place for example like misuse of company credit cards etc. So internal auditing keeps the check on the financial resources so that there is no misuse of the company resources.It is also helps to monitor the internal controls by designing the proper credit policy so that there is no bad debt. Internal audit also consists of the operational audit which means that to look that whether the organization is operating at maximum efficiency or not For the proper working of the organization and for the sound financial system there should be proper check on the organization which can be done through internal auditing. 2.2) Report on internship 2.1) About the firm I did my internship under chartered accountant Sunita Jawaharlal Chaudhary and associates in rajpura.All of my fellow worker were cooperative and were ready to help each other. There was proper management structure. The infrastructure of the firm was also quite good. There was proper working of computers and equipments were used according to the latest technology. By working under the chartered accountant firm not only gives us additional knowledge but also helped me to apply my academic knowledge into the practical world. It is one of the reputed firm in the rajpura and also audit good firms in rajpura.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Erikson’s End Stage of Development Essay - 1295 Words

As human beings age, according to Erik Erikson, they go through developmental stages that help to create and transform their personalities. If needs are met and the ego is gratified, then the individual is able to move on to the next challenge. Onward they march in life and in stage until they find the end level: integrity versus despair. This has been categorized as adults 65 years and older by Erikson. Here, people are to reminisce and judge their lives in terms of merit or disappointment. Erikson himself had a lot to comb through in his later years. Erik Erikson was born in Frankfurt, Germany just after the turn of the twentieth century. It is known that he was a product of an affair out of wedlock. He did not find this out†¦show more content†¦The final stage, however, is a little different. One does not have a challenge to overcome so much as a lesson to learn. The person must look back on their life and see the mistakes they have made. They can also see the wise decisions reached and good times had. And it is at this point that most people either see meaning or resentment in their lives. Once an adult reaches retirement, they begin to slow down, if they have not already, and reflect upon a long life lived. They are at the mercy of many decades worth of memories, some good and some bad. The elder will feel a sense of wellbeing if they are satisfied with their life. This satisfaction roots itself in accomplishment. Humans usually want to undertake many things in their lives. Some are able to attain these and others are not. Those that do achieve their goals are filled with a sense of gratification. Arlene Handler says that Erikson calls this â€Å"integrity† (The Developmental Stages of Erik Erikson, 2002 (revised 2009)). This also allows for a quiet acceptance of death. People who accept death as inevitable do so with grace and ease. They look at their life and see an adventure with hills and valleys, but valleys that they were able to climb out of with might and determination. Erikson thought this to be remarkable and was amazed by elderly peopleâ⠂¬â„¢s resiliency. He found that the strength at this stage was wisdom and that all the experiencesShow MoreRelatedErikson s Psychosocial Theory : Development Of Ego Identity1293 Words   |  6 PagesZoi Arvanitidis 05/16/17 ECEE-310 Dr.Alkins Studying Erikson’s Psychosocial theory Erik Erikson was a student of another theorist, Sigmund Freud. Erikson expanded on Freud’s psychosexual theory. Erikson later developed the psychosocial theory. This theory described the effect of one’s social experiences throughout one’s whole lifespan. One of the main elements of Erikson’s psychosocial theory is the development of ego identity. Ego identity is the conscious sense of self that we developRead MoreErik Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development1359 Words   |  6 Pagesevery stage a new miracle of vigorous unfolding.† And no matter who you are and what you do, I believe that everyone will go through stages in their life. Erik Erikson was a famous psychologist in the twentieth – century, where he developed â€Å"Psychosocial stages†. Erikson’s theories centered on issues that were met on specific ages in someone’s life. Love, care, and tender is critical and many parents do not realize how much nurturi ng and caring for a child is very important. Erik Erikson’s developmentalRead MoreFreuds Psychosexual Stages Of Development1486 Words   |  6 PagesWhen compared to Freud’s psychosexual stages of development, one can see that Erikson’s theory has many similarities. As a one of Freud’s students, Erik Erikson was not convinced by Freud’s psychosexual stage of development, which lead to the development of his theory of psychosocial stages of development (Arnett, 2015). Within Erikson’s theory there are eight different stages with different life crisis to be resolved. Not resolving the conflicts would lead to an unhealthy personality, which causesRead MoreHas Anyone Put Any Psychological Thought Into How They1483 Words   |  6 Pagestheir lives to this type of development. Erikson theorists would take a social influence stance, and Piagetian theorists focus on one’s cognition. So, who is right? More knowledge has been obtained to know that human behavior should be social and the need to socialize with other people. Erikson believes this whereas Piaget thought of qualitative thinking that shapes a child. Erikson is more influential about identity development because he explains his theory with more stages than Piaget, appropriateRead MoreErik Erikson s Development Theory1603 Words   |  7 PagesErik Erikson’s lifespan development theory has proven to be popular and applicable to many people. However, Erikson’s theory was a bit bias and generalized groups of people whose cultures, genders and environments did not apply to his theory. This paper will focus on Erikson’s last four stages of development, and discuss how each stage may be impacted by these various factors. Identity vs. Role Confusion The adolescence stage of development in Erikson’s theory was labeled as identity vs. role confusionRead MoreErik Erikson : Psychosocial Development1103 Words   |  5 PagesErik Erikson: Psychosocial Stages of Development â€Å"Erik Erikson was best-known for his famous theory of psychosocial development and the concept of the identity crisis. His theories marked and important shift in thinking on personality; instead of focusing simply on early childhood events, his psychosocial theory looked at how social influences contribute to personality throughout the entire lifespan† (Cherry). This paper will discuss Erikson’s childhood and the influence it had on his work. AlsoRead MoreWhat is Psychosocial Development?948 Words   |  4 Pagesis psychosocial development? Psychosocial development is development on a social realm. Psychosocial development is how one develops their mind, maturity level, and emotions over the course of one’s life. The rate of development depends on different factors such as biological processes as well as environmental factors. A man named Erik Erikson who was a psychoanalyst who believed that early childhood successes and failures were responsible for i nfluencing later developmental stages developed thisRead MoreErik Erikson s Psychosocial Theory Essay1641 Words   |  7 PagesErik Erikson’s psychosocial theory states that we go through 8 developmental stages in life. Erikson states that these stages are necessary in the progression and development of human growth from infancy into adulthood. Each developmental stage presents a crisis that must be resolved during that stage for a healthy development. Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory outlines that we develop in psychosocial stages instead of psychosexual ones. I agree with Erikson because one might not get through theRead MoreErik Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development Essay1366 Words   |  6 Pages Abstract Erik Erikson (1902-1994) provided a new perspective of psychosocial behavior and development while expanding on the works of other theorists. Erikson believed there to be eight stages of psychosocial development which a person transitions through. These stages start at birth and end with old age/death. Erikson’s work is used throughout many outlets of social work. Social workers use this information to help them figure out what is going on with clients and how best to help them. EriksonRead MoreErik Erikson s Psychosocial Development Theory1518 Words   |  7 Pagesof Erik Erikson s Psychosocial Development Theory, specifically the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Psychosocial Development, according to Erik Erikson, is a continuity of crisis throughout our lifespan; these challenges will shape our personality and the way we perceive our surroundings. In addition to this, the different stages mentioned in this Theory complement each other and help us to develop the to ols to achieve a sense of fulfillment at the end of our existence. According to our